
Specificity of Knowledge and Training

Patriot Running is a running program created by two Marines and the former coach of the All-Marine Running Team.  The premise is simple. You want to achieve a desired goal time—meaning, you want the maximum score you are capable of achieving on the run portion of your military fitness test, or a half / full marathon race time.  

We create a training program that meets your goal. The program is developed by two Marines who’ve “maxed” their tests a combined forty-plus times and have run numerous half and full marathons, and a coach who has trained Marines to “max” their fitness run tests more than 300 times, and also achieve goal times in half and full marathon races.

We understand the demands of the military (including deployments), family / social obligations, and other activities. To ensure success and customization, each athlete will conduct a phone or Skype interview with one of the coaches. With the insight we’ve acquired via the interview, we develop a comprehensive, individual-specific running plan to achieve a “max” fitness test running score, or a half / full marathon goal time. The program fits with the needs and capability of each veteran, government employee, or military supporter. The program is based on exercise science and applied with coaching acumen.

Welcome to our team!